Drip Cafe Open in the Student Centre

DCSA is pleased it announce the opening of the Drip Café, located at the first floor of the Student Centre. Drip Café will offer locally...

Understanding Mental Health Needs of Durham College Students – Survey Opportunity

Durham College and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences are collaborating to update Durham Colleges’ Mind Program (a Recovery College), initially implemented in the...

Winter 2023 Web Registration Dates and Times

Please view the Winter 2023 timetable registration dates and times by clicking the link below. Winter 2023 Registration You will search for your program and...

Nominate a graduating student for a Student Leadership Award

Graduating students, get recognized for your involvement in on-campus activities by nominating yourself or a peer for the Durham College Alumni Association (DCAA) Leaders of...

DCSA Notice of By-Election for the Board of Directors

Notice is given that the Durham College Student Association will hold a membership meeting of the classes of the membership for the purpose of filling...

Revised College policies

​The following college policies were recently reviewed and revised by the Durham College Leadership Team (DCLT): General Education New Program Development and Approval – Quality...

DCSA Health and Dental Plan - Opt-Out and Opt-In Information and Morcare Information for International Students

DCSA Health and Dental Plan Domestic and International Students Including Opt-Out and Opt-In Information Durham College Students Association (DCSA) provides a Health and Dental Plan...

The IWorks application is now closed

All IWorks positions have been filled, we are no longer accepting applications for this program. Please check back in January 2023 for an update.

Changes to Durham College academic departments

Earlier in June, we announced exciting changes how Durham College (DC) organizes programs and refers to academic departments improving the college’s operations and further strengthening...

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