Understanding Mental Health Needs of Durham College Students – Survey Opportunity

Durham College and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences are collaborating to update Durham Colleges’ Mind Program (a Recovery College), initially implemented in the Fall of 2021, to ensure its relevance as we navigate life back on campus. A Recovery College is a unique mental health and wellbeing learning centre where people with lived mental health experience (i.e., experts by experience), mental health professionals and peers come together to co-create and co-deliver courses on topics that support mental health (e.g., skill building, recreational, vocational, etc.). Recovery Colleges are rooted in the principles of connection, self-identity, hope, meaning, and empowerment.

The purpose of this survey is to better understand what matters most to the students at Durham College and how to best support their mental health and wellbeing. These survey results will be used to determine how The Mind Program can best address the needs of the Durham College student community and ultimately inform programming and service delivery for upcoming semesters. Your responses will remain confidential, and we do not collect personal identifying information. By completing the survey, you will be entered into a raffle; two students will be drawn at random to win a $50 Cineplex gift card or a $50 Amazon gift card.

Please click on the following link to access the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RecoveryatDC

We appreciate your time and valuable input. If you have any questions/would like more information, please contact healthpromotions@devcourses.durhamcollege.ca.