Teaching Squares

Would you like to have an opportunity to reflect upon your teaching practice?

Would you like to meet other faculty who are interested in talking about teaching and learning?

Would you like to enhance your teaching portfolio with a Teaching Squares Certificate?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, we have a great opportunity for you. Please join the Winter 2020 Teaching Squares!

How does it work?

Four professors from different disciplines (the square) visit each other’s classes to observe teaching methods, classroom materials, and classroom management. After the professors have observed each other’s classes, they get together to reflect on how this informs their own teaching and learning practice.

As a culminating activity, participants are asked to prepare a short 1-2 page written reflection (or video/multimedia alternative) documenting their experience in the program which they will share with the Teaching Squares facilitators. This is followed by a lunch celebration for all Teaching Square participants. The lunch is an informal gathering and participants reflect on their experiences and continue to exchange ideas and resources to enhance their own teaching and learning.

There is no cost to participants. Return participants are always welcome!

Who can participate?

All part-time and full-time faculty at Durham College and Ontario Tech University and professors at Ontario Power Generation (OPG).

When does it start?

Our Kick Off meeting will be held February. Participants will be notified of the date and location once registration closes. Teaching Square participants visit their fellow square participants classes (total of 3 visits) February and March. A final Celebration Lunch is held in March/April.

Where can I get more information?

See the attached Teaching Squares Handbook for Participants for a detailed description of the program or contact us for more information.

What are some of the benefits?

Here’s what some of the participants have to say about their experience.

  • “I enjoyed playing the role of the student again and to see how some faculty members brought such passion for the subject into the class.”
  • “It has helped me gain a better connection with other faculty and I hope to continue to connect with them after this.”
  • “It was great to learn new ways to engage students.”
  • “It is a key part of my ongoing reflective practice and portfolio development.”

We hope that many of you who have participated in the past will join us again.

If you have not already participated, why don’t you try something new, meet colleagues, and celebrate teaching!

If you have any questions, please contact

Dr. Jean Choi
Dean, Teaching, Learning and Program Quality
Centre for Teaching and Learning, Durham College
Ext. 2595


Bridgette Atkins
Faculty Development Officer
Teaching and Learning Centre, Ontario Tech University
Ext. 2773