New Part-time Faculty Orientation

Part-time Faculty Orientation is a two-day professional development opportunity designed to introduce faculty members to teaching and learning at Durham College. Part-time faculty members will actively participate in sessions that introduce the science of learning, curriculum, lesson design, instructional and assessment strategies, and learning technology. Sessions are designed to give new educators the information and strategies to begin in the classroom and is delivered through modelling our philosophy of active and collaborative learning.

At the completion of orientation, new part-time faculty will have the opportunity to:

  • Review Durham College academic policies
  • Increase their understanding of curriculum and its meaning to their courses
  • Engage with active learning strategies
  • Examine various assessment tools and strategies
  • Explore foundational DC Connect skills, and
  • Enhance their value to Durham College

Upcoming New Part-time Faculty Orientation

The next part-time faculty orientation will be held on asynchrnously, with two synchronous sessions on the following dates and times:

  • Monday, September 12, 5:30-7:00
  • Thursday, September 15, 5:30-7:00

Register now to gain access to the content and activities.

Registering for Part-time Faculty Orientation

To register for the upcoming new part-time faculty orientation, please complete the form below or complete the form in a new window.

See What Faculty Have Said about Orientation!

2020-2021 Winter Part-Time Faculty Orientation Infographic
Accessible Microsoft Word version of 2021-2022 Winter Part-Time Faculty Orientation.

Policy Primer

To get a general understanding of some of Durham College’s academic policies, have a quick look at our Policy Primer for Faculty document.



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